It’s Business as Usual Until it Happens to You


Can I say “good morning”? I’m really not sure. I wanted to post something positive and enlightening to this blog today because, as some of you may know, sharing quick messages of inspiration with you all is also therapeutic for me.  Being able to create a positive tone and share it with anyone willing to receive it has helped me tremendously in becoming a more enlightened person.

Today, I want to be positive.  I want to feel enlightened. Today, however, I still cannot get the Trayvon Martin verdict out of my mind. Not even manslaughter?? At the very LEAST (and I mean the VERY LEAST), George Zimmerman should be charged with manslaughter.  A child is DEAD.  To add insult to injury, he’s allowed to get his murder weapon back whenever he wants it.  In America a man can stalk/follow an unarmed stranger, get into an altercation and kill him with no recourse?

Today is a typical Monday and we are all ‘business as usual’. It’s all business as usual until it happens to YOU.  If we attempted to list the names of all of the ethnic men and women that were beaten, assaulted, murdered as a result of someone’s individual racial fear and prejudice in America, the list would include names in the thousands.

We all, as Americans, need to come together, stand OUR ground and make change!,0,3767690.story

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