Monthly Archives: July 2014

You Are Your Greatest Gift


“Man is a universe within himself” –Bob Marley

This artwork is 'Expansion' by Paige Bradley, New York

This artwork is ‘Expansion’ by Paige Bradley, New York

No matter what you are going through or how hard things may seem, we all tend to seek, even in secret sometimes, that greater force out there in the universe that can help us and guide us to better days. While I fervently believe that force exists and is present and active in our lives (once we acknowledge and receive) I also know and believe that the greatest gift, truth and connection from that Highest Power is realizing and recognizing the presence of that power within ourselves. All that you seek in the universe is within YOU. Be that light you want to see in the world, as Gandhi said, and make a change! Decide today to be the best you that you can be and encourage others to do so, along the way.