Tag Archives: Allah

You Are Obligated to Show Love


“If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.”

– Thomas Jefferson

I have always loved this quote, as it does not only speak to the necessity (in my opinion) of civil disobedience when facing injustice within a society’s legislative system or  culture, but when we come across a religious doctrine, or accepted idea or action within our society that is or supports injustice.  As spirits engaging in human experiences, it is our duty to promote love and positive universal law and to resist all that contradicts the truth and presence of the Most High universal law known as “God” or “Allah” or “Yahweh” or “Great Spirit” or “The Great I Am”, etc…

Be the change you want to see in the world..and pass it on!


Be Helpful to Yourself


“…every time you fall, somebody’s there and every time you’d crawl, somebody’s there and you almost got burned but somebody was there so you never had to learn ’cause someone was there. Aint nobody gonna save you, savior self..” – Cree Summer, Savior Self

happiness is yours

Today’s Soul Food just reminds me of something my mother always told me, “God helps those who help themselves” and also a saying that is prevalent in Islam “If you take one step toward Allah, He takes two steps toward you”.  Sometimes we have to remember to put in the work to be the change and make the change we want in our lives or to be the one to help others rather than relying on everyone to be that for us.  When we can help ourselves we can better serve others, and vice versa. Be blessed! 🙂

Enjoy the video below!