Tag Archives: lunch

When You’ve Been Blessed… PASS IT ON


proverbs 11-25So, I had an entirely different post in mind for my Soul Food today, but as God/The Universe would have it, all of that changed. Sometimes, we all need to remember humanity and remember the kindness of empathy, even in the “little things” in life.  Today, I went to grab lunch–nothing special about that. I was going about my usual routine. As I got to the cashier, I realized I grabbed my purse when I left for lunch but forgot my wallet, which was on my desk, back in my building. Hastily, I asked the cashier to set my food aside and “I’ll be right back with my wallet!” and proceeded to leave the restaurant to go back to my office for my money. It was such a blessing to me when God interrupted that statement and action by inspiring the young lady behind me to say “That’s okay! I’ll pay for you”. Immediately I was touched by this gesture, but, as our Western society has trained us, I began to tell her she didn’t have to, it’s ok, I’ll just run back to my building and go up and grab my wallet. The more I tried to convince her that she did not have to BLESS me in that way, the more she told me that it was fine, she will “take care of it”. I thanked her, genuinely, from my heart and asked if she had a business card or point of contact so that I can repay her. She said “not necessary, I know that can be a long walk back and forth to get a wallet…”

This act of kindness made me realize two wonderful lessons for my spirit:

1.) Never try to convince YOURSELF or anyone else that you should not be blessed

2.) God shows up, quite often, and helps us with the “little things” as a reminder that when it comes to the big things, “He” may not show up in a literal sense,but “He” is there, always, just waiting for you to accept the blessing.

With that in mind, I believe that “random acts of kindness” are not so random, they are by divine design.  The beauty and power of God is that, yes, I got all of that from a stranger paying for my lunch.